Ayiiia Elizarraras
Ayiiia has been named the realworldcasting.com winner who won a spot on the show thanks to her friends and family who teamed up alongside her in winning the competition. Ayiiia she is Mexican and proficient in Spanish is a native of Mexico and has just returned from a long trip to Mexico. She's not scared to express her opinion. At times she does so through her rage that she makes her adversaries. Then she realizes that living in the Real World home is much more difficult than she imagined. Ayiiia has a time of drinking and taking drugs. Ayiiia has a claim that she is not to judge and has a strong bond with her loved people, can be a bit bitter. Ayiiia started a serious relationship. Her mother was and her mother in San Diego and was looking for a new home for herself prior to the reunion. The reunion was found out that they and Jonna did not get along due to their differences during filming.

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